
Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Justice for Scarlett

Just because I’m female it doesn’t mean I can’t appreciate good-looking people of both sexes. The first time I saw Scarlett, a woman who works with me, I knew I was in the presence of a truly hot specimen. Absolutely gorgeous. She’s a petite, slip of a lady, but built like a brick shit-house. Blackish-brown hair, sparkling eyes, creamy skin, a button nose, knockout smile—straight up stunning.

Before I go any further, I should probably point out that her name isn’t really Scarlett. But I’m going to call her that because I think Scarlett fits her better than her real name. And because I like that name. It’s the name of one of the most colorful characters in American literature. And I’ve always secretly wished my parents had named me Scarlett. I’m convinced if they had it would have destined me for a more exciting life.

Yes, Scarlett is indeed beautiful, but be that as it may, men don’t stop in their tracks when she walks by; in fact, they hardly even notice her at all. They did at one time. At one time they followed her around sniffing her trail like a dog sniffs out a bitch in heat. They would’ve drunk her bathwater to have had a chance with her. But these days men don’t look at Scarlett in that way because now she’s a woman “of a certain age,” and women “of a certain age” are largely ignored in our society, even by the men “of a certain age.” Deemed no longer desirable.

So one day, while I was working at my job on the dock at Macy’s, I got to thinking about Scarlett and her unappreciated beauty. I looked down the processing line through the whipping sheets of plastic, through the empty cardboard boxes flying through the air en route to the baler, all the way down to the tail of the dragon where Scarlett was busy ink-tagging a stack of clothes. There she was working away with her signature red lipstick and perfectly coiffed hair, shimmering like a gem in the midst of all the dust and chaos. Looking at her, I wondered what life would be like if our concept of beauty were to become completely reversed. What if the older you got the more desirable you became? And then it occurred to me that while this was not likely to transpire in my lifetime, let alone Scarlett’s, there was a way I could make it happen—make Scarlett beautiful and desirable once again. I could write it and then it would be, at least in a story. That’s the wonder of fiction.

When I got home, I grabbed my laptop and began typing. And when I’d finished I had given birth to this:
The Evolution of Beauty

Molly twists the sprigs of hair sprouting from the top of her otherwise bald head, as she studies the restaurant menu. She always keeps her head shaved clean, except for the few hairs on top, which she dyes a dingy gray, as a style statement. She also shaves her eyebrows so that the only hair on her face is the soft, dark shadow above her upper lip. “I’ll start out with fried mozzarella sticks,” she says to the waitress without looking up. “Then I’ll have the baby back ribs—the full rack, please—and a loaded baked potato with extra butter. And for my sides, I’ll have the mac and cheese, and the cinnamon apples. And go ahead and bring me another Heineken,” she says, finishing off the one in front of her with a loud belch. “This baby’s history.” 

Kayla, seated across from Molly at the table, closes her menu. “Sounds perfect;” she says. “I’ll have the very same, right down to the beer, except I want extra sour cream and butter with my potato. Oh, and could you bring us some more rolls?”

Molly picks up the half-empty bucket of peanuts, and shakes them. “And more of these too, please,” she says. “It’s tough staying a perfect size twenty.” She grabs the last roll from the basket and begins icing it with honey butter, eying Kayla. “Did you just have your roots grayed?”

Kayla nods, proudly. “And you plucked your eyelashes!”

Molly grins, and then takes a bite of her roll. “Okay, enough chit-chat. What’s this big thing you wanted to tell me?”

Kayla leans in. “Guess who I saw at the mall last night?”

“I don’t know. Who?”


“Kaaay-laaa, just tell me already!”

“Brad, I saw Brad.”

“Brad, my ex, Brad?”

“Yep, that’s the one. And he was with someone.”

Molly’s bald eyes grow wide with interest. “Shut up!” she says, her cheeks bulging with bread. She swallows hard. “Well, what did she look like?”

“Hmmm, let me see if I can remember…” Kayla says, as she cracks open a peanut and pops it into her mouth.

“C’mon, Kay, spill! Was she thinner than me? Younger? Taller?”

“Yes. Yes. And, yes.”

Molly smiles. Her teeth are as yellow and sparse as a partially-eaten ear of corn. “Lying bitch!” she says. “You’re just trying to make me feel good.”

“I’m not lying, Molly, she’s really a dog! Long, blond hair, big lips, legs a mile long and she’s at least five years younger than you. I’m telling you, Brad definitely traded down.”

Molly springs to her feet, layers of fat cascading in front of her, and stretches both arms straight above her head. “Yes!” she yells up to heaven.” Serves the jerk right!”

Kayla jumps up too, gives Molly a double high-five. Her “butt in the front,” as she affectionately calls her low-hanging stomach pooch, scoots the table out a foot, knocking over the bucket of peanuts.

After the two of them have settled back into their chairs, Molly says, “Speaking of ugly, have you heard about the new modeling agency for…let’s see, what do they call them these days…the aesthetically challenged? I saw some of the models on TV the other day and I swear to god, Kay, my ass would make them a Sunday face. I mean, none of them were over twenty, and I’ve never seen so much smooth skin and shiny hair in my life. It was really sad.”

“Sounds like the models in my grandmother’s old magazines. They were all skinny back then, and they had big ol’ white teeth. I can’t believe people used to think that was pretty. Ugh!” She shutters. “Grandma sure is hot, though. My boyfriends are always hitting on her. God, I’d give anything for her liver spots.”

“Now, you know it takes years to develop that kind of beauty. It’s easy to look good when you’re sixty-five, but when you’re in your twenties like us, not so much.” Molly sucks the butter from her fingers and then takes a big swig of her fresh beer. “That reminds me, I’m going to have to order my desserts to go. I really hate to cut this short, but I have an appointment at 1:30 to get my teeth stained. It’s the new red wine treatment. Thought it might help me look older.”

“No problem. I’ve been meaning to schedule an appointment for myself. I heard it’s awesome.”

"Well, don’t expect to get in any time soon; they have a waiting list that stretches from hell to breakfast.”

From the short story collection, “Flashes,” by Leigh Byrne. 


  1. This particularly strikes me funny, because I am 63 now, although I look much younger. I give the credit to the grape seed antioxidant supplement I have been taking for the past 20 years, plus fish oil that I have taken almost as long, and the coconut oil and collagen I have added in the past year or two. These supplements, especially the wonderful and inexpensive grape seed extract, also seem to help with general health, joint health, cardiac, etc. I get my supplements online from Swanson Vitamins (dot) com. I love doing business with them. My husband also takes the grape seed extract and krill oil, instead of fish oil, because the fish oil upsets his stomach. He had 2 heart attacks in 2001, a couple of years before we met and I got him on the supplements. A couple of years ago his cardiac doctor told him that his heart has healed to the point where it is like he never had a heart attack!

    I stopped smoking years ago, smoking really ages a person, both inside and out. I use antioxidant face creams, which are also Swanson Products and not expensive at all. Face exercises seem to help a lot, too. Unfortunately I get lazy about doing them, and then when I see my neck or face starting to sag or wrinkle a little more here and there, I do so many "facercise" exercises that I make my face hurt! But wow they really do make a noticeable difference! I learned these exercises from a book by that name, Facercise by Carole Maggio.

    Psalm 103 has been my favorite chapter in the Bible for many years. There are a lot of things I love about that Psalm. The promise of having our youth and beauty restored is only one small part of what I like about that Psalm. But I have wondered if my love for that particular Psalm may be the reason that I still look so young? Or maybe God has lead me to the supplements and face exercise book, because of my love for that Psalm? People just told me about these things, for the most part, I did not go searching for ways to stay looking younger.

    I remember when my grandmothers were in their 40s, and they both looked much older then than I do now. My oldest son is 45, my daughter will be 42 this month, my grandchildren are all grown, and I have a 3 year old great grandson. Whew.... where do the years go?? I still feel like a young girl inside!!

    Anyway, thanks for this delightful post. If only life were really like this!
